Learn about our accessibility services.

Wheelchair Service:

The Marcus Performing Arts Center provides wheelchair service upon request. To make a reservation for wheelchair service, contact our theater management staff at frontofhouse@marcuscenter.org.

When contacting us, please provide the following details to help us assist you effectively:

  • The date you are attending.
  • The performance or event you are attending.
  • Your time of arrival.
  • The entrance you plan to use.
  • Your seat location.


Explore more accessibility services & resources:

An elevator is located in the southeast corner of the Marcus Center Parking Structure that can be taken to the 3rd floor where a skywalk connects the parking structure to the Marcus Center. Elevators and ramps are located throughout the Marcus Center for use.

All entrances to the building, 929 N. Water Street (used to enter Uihlein Hall), 123 E. State Street (used to enter Wilson Theater at Vogel Hall and the administrative offices), 127 E. State Street (used to enter the Stage Door) and the Riverwalk entrance (used to enter Todd Wehr Theater) are wheelchair accessible.

The Johnson Financial Group Broadway at the Marcus Center Series typically offers sign language-interpreted performances for the 2:00 p.m. Saturday matinee. If the show runs for more than one week, the signed performance would generally be on the first Saturday.

If you are unable to attend the scheduled sign language-interpreted performance, alternative arrangements can be made, depending on the availability of interpreters. In order for arrangements to be made with a sign language interpreter, please notify the Marcus Performing Arts Center Box Office at least two weeks in advance of your performance.

Please contact the Marcus Center Box Office directly when requesting interpreter services: 414-273-7206.

Uihlein Hall
Uihlein Hall assisted listening is transmitted via infrared. We have 2 receiving options available for our guests: a stethophone infrared receiver, or the neck induction loop receiver for guests with hearing aids equipped with a “T” coil. Assisted listening is also transmitted via an FM radio signal. FM receivers for this technology are used with either a lightweight headset or neck induction loop for guests with hearing aid equipped with a “T” coil.

The neck induction loop, used in conjunction with the body pack for both infrared receiver and radio frequency receiver to allow the user to receive wireless, clarified sound using our assisted listening systems inside the theater. The technology is designed to work in conjunction with a person’s hearing aids. Note: The hearing aid must be equipped with a “T” switch or have a telecoil setting to use the neck induction loop.

The listening devices are distributed from the Public Information Office located on the north side of the Orchestra Level with a valid photo I.D.

Todd Wehr Theater
Stethophone infrared receivers are available that have a port that can accept a loop device plugged into it for guests with hearing aids equipped with a “T” coil. A valid photo I.D is required to check out the receiever.

Wilson Theater at Vogel Hall
The Wilson Theater at Vogel Hall listening system is transmitted via an FM radio signal. FM receivers with lightweight headphones are available with a valid photo I.D.

Braille and Large Print Programs are distributed from the Public Information Office located on the north side of the Orchestra Level for all Broadway shows.

The Marcus Center Parking Structure is located on the corner of State and Water Streets. The parking structure holds fifteen accessible parking spaces, three of which are van accessible, for vehicles bearing Disabled Parking Identification (DIS ID) hang tags or license plates. Please ask the parking garage personnel to direct you to these parking spaces. Click this link for directions/parking information.

Accessible entrances
All entrances to the Marcus Performing Arts Center are wheelchair accessible. The Riverwalk entrance, used to enter the Todd Wehr Theater, has an accessible entrance located on the ground level between the staircases leading up to the Todd Wehr Theater. This entrance will lead you up a ramp to the elevator that will take you to either level of the Todd Wehr, providing easier access for our patrons who cannot navigate the stairwell.

An elevator located at the southeast corner of the Marcus Center Parking Structure can be taken to the third floor skywalk that connects the parking structure to the Marcus Center (used to enter Wilson Theater at Vogel Hall and Uihlein Hall). Other accessible entrances include 929 N. Water Street (used to enter Uihlein Hall), 123 E. State Street (used to enter Vogel Hall and the administrative offices), and 127 E. State Street (used to enter the Stage Door).

Assistive Listening Devices
At the Todd Wehr Theater, stethophone infrared receivers are available that have a port that can accept a loop device plugged into it for patrons with hearing aids equipped with a “T” coil. A valid photo I.D. is required to borrow this device during performances.

Sensory Friendly Kits
To accommodate our patrons on the autism spectrum or other sensory, social, or cognitive differences, we have a limited number of sensory friendly kits available for use during a performance. These kits contain a social story, a fidget toy, and noise-canceling earmuffs. Please see the House Manager at the theater to use one of
these kits. Sensory friendly performances are also offered throughout the season.

Wheelchair Service
To make a reservation for wheelchair service for a First Stage performance in Todd Wehr Theater, please call the First Stage House Manager at 414-273-7121 ext. 323.

Sign Language Interpreted Performances
Sign language interpreted performances are scheduled for each production. Select performances for our school matinees are also sign language interpreted. Sign language interpreted services are provided by CommLink. Learn More

The Marcus Performing Arts Center now offers post-mydriatic eyewear for guests who are sensitive to bright or flashing lights during performances. Originally designed as protective eyewear for patients with dilated eyes, these glasses provide relief from intense lighting and can help manage light sensitivity, especially for neurodivergent individuals.

Please Note:

  • These glasses are not suitable for guests with photosensitive epilepsy, as they do not prevent seizures. However, they may reduce discomfort for those who are light-sensitive.
  • If a performance features strobe or flashing light effects, signage throughout the venue will inform guests that these glasses are available. Guests can request them from any usher.
  • Only a youth size is available at this time. The glasses are single-use for hygiene and convenience, and the temples (the part that goes over the ears) are adjustable for comfort.

We hope this option helps everyone enjoy their experience at the Marcus Center comfortably.